Browsing All posts tagged under »Mennonite«

Quick Update

September 23, 2012


You know those posts where people apologize for not posting. My sister will be rolling her eyes right about now. I haven’t had the energy, the story, and the internet all at the same time for quite a while. I’ve been working nearly every day, and trying to get to bed earlier, despite my night […]

Sorry about your struggles with sodomy…

June 23, 2012


I finally got a response to my coming out letter. My uncle wrote me: “I’m sorry to hear about your big struggle with sodomy.” He continued with some definitions of sodomy (including bestiality too) and a short history of sodomy laws (and was so woeful that these are no longer enforced). He was apalled that […]

A vote cast in vain

February 20, 2012


I cast my absentee ballot for the primaries today. Well technically I filled in the blank and put it in the envelope, I’m not sure it counts as “cast” til it makes it back to Michigan. And I voted for… Ron Paul. Anyone not familiar with my particular brand of Christianity should know that Mennonites […]

A break in the silence

February 6, 2012


Hey blog buddies. I haven’t found the inspiration/desire/time to write for a while. I had actually written part of a post the day after Christmas, but I was having fun with my family and I forgot about it. My Christmas break was quite interesting. I picked up my sister at her college and we drove […]

How reality got fuzzy for this queer

December 15, 2011


I have been denying that I’m gay and that gay is ok since I was 10 years old. I was reflecting today on how my parents used to worry about the large amount of science fiction and fantasy that I read because fundamentalist Christians told them on the radio and in magazines that it would […]

Shopping for affirmation in the Christian church market

November 8, 2011


So I tried out a new church yesterday. I went to a wedding there a few months back and recently heard a rumor that several of my relatives who go there are gay-affirming Christians. “M,” whom I mentioned in my last post, said that one fo my dad’s first cousins went to this church and […]

Things that give me hope (and probably you too)

July 9, 2011


This is in the style of my previous post, but positive. 1. Gay marriage is legal in New York!! Our most recent victory in equal rights for gays. I was raised believing that it was wrong, but a Christian friend of mine convinced me it was my Constitutional right. Ironic, no? A Christian convincing a […]

Things that really annoy me (and probably you too)

July 7, 2011


1. When someone claims that their beliefs are “what the Bible says” as if they did no interpretation. To read is to interpret, and what is implied in the statement is that whoever doesn’t believe the same is simply twisting the meaning to suit them. The truth is that we all come to the Bible […]

Getting Rid of Denominations: Will the Church ever be one?

July 5, 2011


I wish there were no need for the word “denomination.” It always saddens me to think of the Church split into so many sub-groups who oppose each other, bicker, and waste time on inconsequential. We are a  dysfunctional family, where people are ostracized, where brothers continue feuding over forgotten offenses for decades. In my denominations history […]

Coming out Mennonite and Queer

July 3, 2011


This first post is going to be very long, and I hope it doesn’t dissuade you from following this blog. My journey so far… I grew up in a conservative Christian home, a Mennonite home. Family is very important to Mennonites. We tend to be related to each other. When Mennonites from different states bump […]