Browsing All posts tagged under »LGBT Rights«

LGBTs and Christians: bridging the chasm

June 29, 2012


A friend of mine posted a link to this blogpost by a straight Christian ally. He writes to affirming Christians, non-affirming Christians, and to us. To my LGBT friends: If you used to be a Christian and aren’t now because of the way you’ve been treated in the church or your Christian home, I understand […]

Prop 8’s slow march to the gallows

June 5, 2012


Today a majority the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals voted to uphold the three judge panel’s decision to uphold Judge Vaughn Walker’s decision that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional. Basically, Prop 8 is one step closer to being overturned. The Supreme Court will now decide whether or not to hear it. If they decide not to, […]

“Today we are more American…”

February 8, 2012


I’m not overly patriotic, but I do love a lot of things about America. I am proud to be a gay American today, and I hope that soon marriage will be legal for all of us in the United States. A lot of my family, friends, and fellow Mennonites disagree with my sentiment. I would […]